marketingOur initial market of
homebuilt aircraft, is very connected by the multitude of
aircraft oriented magazines, trade bulletins, technical
publications and reports. There is also a ready-made Sales
event that facilitates any kind of sales into the homebuilt and
general aviation market. That event is the ever-popular air
show. There are over 400 air shows in the U.S. alone. And each air show is a media-rich happening. As noted by the major airshow entertainers association, International Council of Air Shows, (ICAS, http://www.airshows/org/index.html) "Airshows are considered the second largest spectator sport in the U.S." And once the airshow is over, in fact before, during and after the airshow, there are thousands of people canvassing the numerous booths displaying the latest in general aviation technology. As shown here, the Dyna-Cam booth drew its share of the crowds. As pointed out by ICAS, "More spectators attend air shows annually than any other sporting event except major league baseball. " As quoted by ICAS literature: Marketing of the Dyna-Cam
engine to the sport aircraft market (the first target market) is
underway. Purchase orders and down-payments are being recruited
for the first 25 engines, however, no deliveries have been made
yet. There are over 250 Right, the only way to get a clear photo of the engine was to get out to the show grounds before the show crowds at 7 a.m. Other times of the day were just too busy.
The whole Dyna-Cam
team is shown on the left, at one of the last
Hawthorne, CA, airshows to be held.
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